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In the arc spray process, an arc is struck between two continuously fed alloy wires causing the tips of the wires to melt. An air jet atomizing gas is used to strip the molten material off the wires and accelerate the motel particles to the workpiece. Arc spraying is a relatively economical coating with reasonable wear resistance properties. Materials typically applied by arc spraying include stainless steels, Hastelloys, nickel aluminides, zinc, aluminum and bronze.
Features & Benefits
- Can salvage severely worn or damaged components where finish machining processes can return the item to its original dimension
- Provides a durable coating that can withstand applications with moderate sliding and impact wear
- Allows surface engineering design to optimize for environmental conditions such as; wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, low coefficient of friction, or dielectric properties
- A good choice for dimensional restoration
- When combined with a sealer this process can produce coatings that are impermeable to process environments
- Capable of applying thick coatings on large components
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