
Hydraulic Dipper Door Snubbers



Kymera offers a comprehensive remanufacturing program for hydraulic style dipper door snubbers. This process includes:

  • Full snubber disassembly into individual component parts
  • All component parts cleaned and comprehensively inspected to determine reusability
  • Component parts failing to meet reusability specification remanufactured or replaced
  • Component parts reassembled and the final assembly tested to validate performance
  • The final assembly is painted to customer specification prior to delivery

Through long-term collaborations with several large rope shovel operators Kymera has identified weaknesses in OEM snubber design and developed improvements through remanufacturing that have consistently, and over a large sample size, delivered two, and up to three, times the service life compared with the original OEM component. Enjoy the benefits of longer service life and reduced interim maintenance cost by converting from clutch to hydraulic style snubbers using Kymera’s proprietary bucket conversion kit.

Features & Benefits

Kymera proprietary improvements incorporated into original OEM design – both standard and super snubbers
  • Field proven to deliver up to three times the life of the original OEM component
Vertically integrated remanufacturing operation
  • Rapid repair turnaround and elimination of costly third party mark-ups
Component tested prior to delivery
  • Confirmation of component performance before installation
Kymera proprietary conversion kits available
  • Change from clutch style to hydraulic style snubbers to extend service life and reduce maintenance cost
Convert single acting to dual acting as desired
  • Opportunity to upgrade an old core to a superior performing snubber
Kymera holds extensive part inventory
  • Facilitates rapid turnaround, minimizing machine downtime
Condition and failure reports available
  • Identify operating or maintenance practice improvements to extend service life or reduce repair cost

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